Friends of St Augustine's
FoStA is a group of parents, carers and staff, who seek to support the students and staff of St Augustine’s by selling second hand uniform, raising funds for the school, arranging social events (eg bingo and quiz evenings) and helping at college events.
We have a FoStA Facebook page, which you can use to ask questions/contact other parents. We also advertise events on here. To find the page, click on the facebook icon here
Second hand Uniform Sales are our best fundraiser and it is brilliant that we can recycle used uniform and help families at the same time. We aim to run these at least once per term.
If you require uniform do email the uniform shop at
We also sell second hand textbooks and revision guides!
The next FOSTA uniform and book sale is Friday 28th February at 3.15 - 4pm and again on Saturday 1st March at 10 - 11am in the Dining Hall.
We have a textile recycling bin just inside the college gates. FoStA receives money for all donations.
In 2023 we raised nearly £350 for FoStA funds! Thank you so much for all your donations – please continue to fill up the bin!

We also have an Easyfundraising account; you can raise funds for FoStA, at no extra cost to you, by going via easyfundraising every time you shop online. In 2023 we received over £130 from Easyfundraising.
Please click on the logo find out more and to sign up and help us keep on raising funds!
If you have any suggestions, or would like to join us, don’t hesitate to get in touch at
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