Parents or carers must ring the College by 9:30am each day a student is absent.
If an absence will last for a certain number of days, you can tell us this and you won’t be required to call every day of that period of absence.
Absences not covered by a telephone call or letter within 14 days will be marked as unauthorised absences.
All holidays should be taken outside the college year and if this is not the case permission must be sought from the Head Teacher in advance of the absence, but permission may not be granted. You can request a leave of absence form by emailing or by following the link below. Please also read the accompanying Penalty Notice Leaflet before submitting your request.
Return your Leave of Absence request form to or leave paper forms at Reception marked for the attention of the Attendance Officer.
Leave of Absence Request form 2022
Medical Appointments
If a student needs to attend a clinic, doctors appointment or dental appointment during College time, any appointment letters/information related to that should be sent in advance to
Students will need to sign in and out at Reception.
If a student is late, either in the morning or for afternoon registration, they must report to Reception to be marked present before going to their lesson.
Students taken ill at the College must tell their teacher immediately, who may suggest they go to Reception.
If a student needs to bring medication to the College it must be given to Reception for safe-keeping. No medication should be brought to the College unless accompanied by a note from a parent or carer.
If a student is unfit to participate in Physical Education they must bring a letter addressed to the Head of PE, or a member of the PE teaching staff, explaining the reason. Students are still expected to bring their PE kit.
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