Applying to lower school
St Augustine’s is a co-educational Lasallian Catholic secondary school located in Trowbridge, Wiltshire.
There is a lower school (Year 7-11) and a Sixth Form (Year 12-13).
Whilst children who are baptised Catholic will always be given priority for admission, we have increased our capacity in recent years and are therefore in a position to offer places to many more students who are not Catholic or from a religious background. We therefore welcome applications from those of any faith or none.
What we ask is for parents and students to be aligned with our core Lasallian Catholic values of treating all people with dignity and respect.
Last year, all first choice applications to St Augustine's were successful.
When making an application, please refer to the Admissions Policy relating to the school academic year of entry for further details.
Tours of the College
There is an Open Evening in Term 1 every year, however, if you were unable to attend, we can arrange a tour of the College for you. Please use the contact form below.
Year 7 Admissions September 2025 (Normal Time of Entry)
The published admission number (PAN) for Year 7 in 2025/26 is 175.
You need to apply for a secondary school place to your home Local Authority between 1 September and 31 October 2024. Within your application, you specify your preferred schools. To be considered in the first round of applications, this application must be made BY MIDNIGHT ON 31 OCTOBER 2024.
For those living within the Wiltshire Local Authority, applications should be made online (or by post) from 1 September 2024 using the Parent Portal
Parents/carers must also complete the Supplementary Information form (SIF) which gives us information relating to the categories in our Admissions Policy 2025-26.
Link to Supplementary Information Form
Once completed the SIF should be returned to the Admissions Officer at St Augustine’s by email or post by 31 October 2024.
The waiting list is automatic and held until the end of the academic year.
In-Year Admissions
In-year applications and requests for admission to year groups other than Year 7 must be made to the school for consideration by the Admissions Committee. The oversubscription criteria listed in the Admissions Policy will be applied if more applications are received than there are places available. As with all faith applications, the completion of the Supplementary Information Form is also required. This will assist the Admission Panel to determine the applicant’s category.
How to apply:
Step 1 Complete the In-year Application Form from our Admissions Policy 2024/25 and return to the College here
Step 2 Complete the Supplementary Information Form as this gives us information relating to the categories set out in the Admissions Policy.
Wiltshire Council will send a decision letter in response to the application within 20 school days of receipt of application
Waiting list requests can be emailed to the Admissions Officer
If you have any queries, please contact the Admissions Officer at St Augustine’s by email, post or telephone on 01225 350001
Admissions documents 2024-2025
Supplementary Information Form (SIF)
Admissions Appeals
Appeals - Admission to Year 7 in September
For applications made in the normal admissions round and submitted before the deadline of 31 October, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals.
For late applications (i.e. submitted before the first day of the school term of the admission year), appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged;
Appeals - In Year Admissions
For applications for in-year admissions, appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Appeals and Waiting Lists
The name of a child whose application for September entry to Year 7 was unsuccessful will automatically be placed on a waiting list.
Parents of children whose application for in year admission was refused may ask for their child’s name to be placed on a waiting list.
The waiting lists will be operated according to the College’s Admissions Policy.
Placing a child’s name on a waiting list does not prevent an appeal being lodged. If an appeal is unsuccessful, the applicant’s name will remain on the waiting list.
Admissions 2026/27
The governing body of St Augustine Catholic College, Trowbridge are consulting on their proposed admission arrangements for the 2026-27 school year. The proposed change from the existing arrangements is:
The governing body has set its admission number at 160 for pupils to be admitted to Year 7 in the school year which begins in September 2026.
The consultation period has now ended and final arrangements will be determined by 28th February 2025 and will appear on the school website by 15 March 2025.Refugees
St Augustine's Catholic College appreciates that those who are taking in refuges have a lot to organise. If you would like to look for a school place at St Augustine's, we would like to assist you.
Please contact and we will do what we can to help you apply for a school place.
Parish maps
St John the Baptist, Trowbridge
Our Lady, The Immaculate Conception, Devizes
Social Media