
St Augustine's Catholic College

Our Vision & Values

Our Mission Statement

This statement combines the reflections of staff and students in 2024/25 

At St Augustine’s we aim to deliver a high-quality education that inspires students and staff to explore their unique gifts, realise their full potential, and contribute meaningfully to an ever-changing world.  

As a Catholic Lasallian College, we are dedicated to creating a safe, welcoming and inclusive community where every individual’s dignity is respected, valued, and supported.   

Guided by our faith and rooted in Gospel values, we believe that 'Together, we’re stronger.' (1)   

 (1) the title of our College song


Our Ambitions

We do not shrink from expecting that our alumni will change the world. Whether their contributions will be written up in the history books or known and acknowledged only by their families and friends, their goodness will matter.

We expect them to leave the college equipped with the St Augustine’s SPIRIT:

Self-Control:  effort, perseverance, resilience, responsibility, grit, self-worth

Positivity: enthusiasm, optimism, joy, can-do attitude, gratitude

Integrity:  honesty, forgiveness, faithfulness, humility, sincerity

Respect:  loving kindness, compassion, empathy, acceptance, courtesy

Initiative: curiosity, imagination, leadership, wisdom, creativity, resourcefulness

Teamwork: community spirit, generosity, helpfulness, peacemaker

We are a school for the real world. We believe that these strengths will equip them for employment and for a fulfilled adult life.

Our pastoral care for our students will be second to none: we know that their physical and emotional wellbeing is a precondition to their learning well. Our staff will go beyond teaching to accompany the students on their journey through the college, doing everything they can to support dynamic development and growth. When things go wrong we will respond with forgiveness and a restorative approach.

We will help to build in each student a foundation of spirituality that will survive the crowdedness of modern life.

Our academic curriculum will cover the full range of the intellectual virtues. It will balance creativity with academic rigour, and we will not compromise our academic aspiration for each student. We will introduce each one to the best that has been thought and said.  Our students’ performance in public exams will remain in the top bracket.

We will be among the best employers in the education world, ensuring that our staff are offered training in the most up to date teaching and learning research, and that their work-life balance is protected.

We will encourage our students to be “the best they can be”, whatever their talent, whether it be sheep shearing or philosophy.

Those who have special educational needs or physical disabilities will be full members of our community – and their teachers and peers will understand their difficulties as fully as possible.

We will value all kinds of diversity and ensure that the evils of prejudice on grounds of disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation are driven from the school.

We will provide a clean, safe and efficient physical environment to maximise the opportunity for learning.

Our students will learn and never forget compassion for the vulnerable in society. They will use their talents for the good of others in a world that needs healing through mutual love, the steadfast seeking of justice for the poor, sick and vulnerable, and the demonstration of mercy. They will have the courage to “proclaim the Gospel to all creation”, to the greater glory of God.

Our College Improvement Plan 2023-26

The purpose of the original improvement plan (2022/23) had been to develop an integrated improvement plan that would drive sustainable improvement following the Ofsted judgement of November 2021. The overall intention remains as we seek to develop our Lasallian Catholic College into an outstanding centre of excellence in educational provision and training. This current plan seeks to utilise the opportunity for us to continue to grow in our capacity and effectiveness, through a co-ordinated and integrated approach, as we move towards our improvement goal. The four key areas of focus remain and the foundations laid throughout 2022/23, now need to become embedded practice in order to secure sustainable future growth.

1)    The continued development of a whole-College focus on ‘Inclusion’ that reflects our Catholic Lasallian values, where all students are challenged and supported, with the highest levels of expectation to maximise their potential.

2)    The continued development and embedding of a high-quality curriculum which is accessible to all and is sequenced in a way that inspires and challenges students of all abilities, to make progress and to maximise their potential as independent leaners.

3)    The continued development and embedding of effective teaching skills which makes the curriculum accessible to all, so as to promote through an effective use of assessment, a love of learning, that inspires independence for life-long learning.

4)    The continued development of the capacity of leadership at all levels which is focused on the Catholic Lasallian vision for our College, so as to maximise all opportunities for learning, spiritual and professional development in an integrated and co-ordinated way.



CIP summary 2023-26